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Duration3.0 hours
StartNovember 02, 2024
lectures32 lectures
About the course
It is one of those times of the year again for our aspirants of the CA Finals exams. The Chartered Accountancy exams are a series of high level exams in the field of accountancy and commerce. It is divided into five groups across three levels known as the Foundation, Intermediate and Finals. After completing the foundation and both the groups of Intermediate levels, the aspirant has the final two groups of the Final Level to clear. Each contains four papers in each of the groups, a total of eight subjects are specified in the syllabus of the Final Level exams. It is done to evaluate the aspirant’s knowledge and understanding about the core of accounting, auditing, taxation and financial management for lifelong successful careers in these fields.
In this article, we discuss your exam preparations using CA Final Test Series so you score to the best of your capabilities. With the May and November Attempts of the exam coming up and the preparations being in full swing, the search for Best CA Final Test Series is in the mind of all the aspirants. A proper set of these series will help them not only help them practice with a deadline but also to gain understanding of the scope of the exam as well.
How to Choose the perfect modes of Test Series for yourself?
There are various options to consider when looking for test series to practice upon. Choosing the correct type of test series helps save time and helps figure out your preparation in the most convenient way. The major types are classroom-based and online based. Classroom Based Test series offer the benefits of student teacher interaction, and the actual classroom examination experience but are expensive and out of the personal comfort whereas Online Based Test Series in comparison to Classroom Based Test Series are Affordable and Convenient to the student.
Now, there are a pool of various different test series with different kinds of combinations of subjects, topics, hardship levels. You have to see the combinations of topics, syllabus covered, accuracy and recent amendments and inclusions. If opting for CA Finals Online Test Series, there are a number of institutes and academies who provide these series as well. Some of those institutes are ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accounts in India) as well as Paras Institute of Commerce. Along with these test series papers, some of the institutes provide extra notes and answer sheets along as well.
Some Features to consider while searching for CA Final Test Series Online that makes your practice easier -
- Scheduled Tests, so you will have the habit of finishing your paper in time and without any rush or mistakes.
- All recent amendments included and updated, so there won’t be any chance of conflict regarding facts, data and statistics.
- Strategic question and topic variations, that covers all the topics.
- Similar or mockups to previous and current years’ paper patterns.
- Timely Test Checking and interaction with test checker.
Different ways that these mock up test series help you practice and ace your Finals -
- Strategic Preparation - With these test series providing question papers with similar patterns and trends of current and previous years actual question papers, it helps the students develop their preparation and plan a strategy in accordance with the papers.
- New Techniques to problem solving - With the answer keys provided and various different types of papers in the test series, it helps you come up with various new and advanced techniques and methods to answer the questions given.
- Time Management - To help you with the understanding of how to complete your paper, these test series have scheduled papers so you can experience first hand how to manage given time during the exam.
- Conceptual Clarity - These test papers include varieties of topics covering all the topics in any particular subject or paper so the student would have a clarity of different concepts across every one of the eight papers in the CA Finals.
- Analyzing results - After giving the papers, answer keys and mock up markings help you understand in which areas they lack and which areas of topics they would want themselves to improve to score maximum marks possible.
Steps to use these test series in the most efficient and effective way -
- Regular use - The most important thing while using test series papers is that students should regularly practice. But the deal is that it is a timed paper and has to be practiced as much as possible to improve your timing and ability to write well.
- Knowing your syllabus well - As there exists a lot of these types of test series, it is best implemented when the appearing student knows the syllabus, the course, the topics particularly which they are giving the exams. It helps to narrow down and find the perfect combinations of paper sets.
- Split time between study and practice - These test papers allow the students to find their strengths and weaknesses in the topic. In between each attempt to practice the test papers, it is also important the topics that they found the most difficult or challenging in the paper.
- Setting up standards - Setting up standards like time taken, number of questions answered or pointers covered helps in the process of betterment. Making attempts to improve the time taken in completing the test each time helps the student to know how much time they ideally need to complete each question type and how well they can write it with each attempt.
(1) Latest updates upto 30.04.2023 would be asked in the examination relevant for Nov. 2023 Attempt
(2) This datesheet is as per new Scheme.
(3) The syllabus is as per ICAI Study Materials. For complete syllabus refer syllabus given on ICAI website.
(4) The assessment would be made partially objective in the below mentioned select papers.
Paper 3: Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics
Paper 4: Corporate and Economic Laws
Paper 7: Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation
Paper 8: Indirect Tax Laws
(5) The objective type questions will be for 30 Marks in each 100 marks paper. They would be in the
nature of multiple choice questions (MCQs) carrying 1 or 2 marks. Each MCQ will have 4 options, out of
which 1 option would be the correct answer.
(6) The MCQs will be compulsory and there would be no internal or external choice in them. There will be
no negative marking for wrong answers. No reasoning is required for answers to MCQs.
(7) Skill wise weightage shall be considered.
(8) Also consider section wise weightage of each subject given on ICAI website.
(9) Consider topic wise exclusions from the syllabi of select subjects given on the ICAI's website.
->Detailed feedback of performance from Professionals
->Test will be evaluated as per ICAI Instructions
->Telephonic doubt session regarding Test Queries
->Remarks will be mentioned on each paper by Evaluator
->Result marks will be sent Online
->Exam Fear can be reduced by Writing Practice
->Time Management skills can be developed.
Single Group (16 tests of 100 marks each) : Rs 3,750 (Including GST 18%)
Both Group (32 tests of 100 marks each) : Rs 6,250 (Including GST 18%)
Single Group only FT (4 tests of 100 marks each) : Rs 1,000 (No Discount applicable)
Both Group only FT (8 tests of 100 marks each) : Rs 2,000 (No discount applicable)
Single Group (16 tests of 100 marks each) : Rs 5,000 (Including GST 18%)
Both Group (32 tests of 100 marks each) : Rs 8,750 (Including GST 18%)
Single Group only FT (4 tests of 100 marks each) : Rs 1,500 (No Discount applicable)
Both Group only FT (8 tests of 100 marks each) : Rs 3,000 (No discount applicable)
In case test series is conducted online due to covid, Extra Fees (difference between offline and online fee) for offline students will be refunded proportionately after 15 days of completion of test series. *NOTE : Extra Fees (difference between offline and online fee) will be refunded only to those offline students who will have full attendance in online test series.*
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